Saturday, November 5, 2016

It's time to start taking care of the earth.

We have always recycled everything from clothes and shoes to bottles and paper but more recently in the last couple of years I started making regular compost with kitchen refuse such as egg shells, vegetable peels, and coffee grains. I'm so excited and cannot wait for spring to see the difference in our yard. When I was a little girl growing up in Puerto Rico I remember the barrio refuse collector going from house to house collecting kitchen leftovers to feed to his pigs. Housewives would leave the refuse out back in a big metal can and he'd swing around and pour the contents out into a big container he carried in a wheelbarrow.  So recycling kitchen refuse is not new to me.

Recently also we have traded vinegar and baking soda for commercial products that are not so good for the environment.  I find that this enviro-friendly way of cleaning is much cheaper, and easier on your hands and lungs. Speaking about your hands we use coffee grains for all-over body exfoliating, as well as oatmeal for soaking and bathing in, just mix a little body wash into the mix for a one-step treatment. Your body will thank you in kind--you will immediately notice the smoothness and suppleness in your complexion when you look in the mirror and see a more vibrant and youthful you smiling back at you.

Recently I started oral rinsing with peroxide. This works well for whitening teeth and healthier gums. Add a tiny bit of baking soda for good all-around oral care. And on the subject of good health a 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda mix in to a glass of fresh lemon water does wonders for your colon. This is not to say that you should skip your annual doctor visits. 
There are endless ways in which we can contribute to protecting our Mother Earth and our pockets as well and also look beautiful and stay healthy in the process. Don't forget to check out Syl's Cocina Criolla on FB for delicious boricua inspired recipes and more health conscious ways to eat and stay healthy. If you like this article, write and let me know. God bless everyone. 

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