Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Will you follow me on Twitter?

Why is it so hard to get followers on Twitter?

It seems to me that unless you are Angelina Jolie or Kim K, it seems impossible to get followers on Twitter.  Why is that? I ask myself.

I, for one, don't know of many friends on the venue.  And, the ones that are on Twitter, probably don't even know how to use it.  So that could be one reason.

I'm also, no celebrity - another very big possibility!!!  No duh!

I've never been one to ask anyone for anything, so asking for followers will never happen.  A couple of years back, I heard Billy Bush, the host on Extra, practically beg for followers.  Maybe it was in joking, but he sounded pretty.  That will never be me.  Not that I'm a top TV show host, nor ever will be?!

You'd think that since I've published two novels, I would have some followers.   After all, I follow almost every literary agent I could find on Twitter.  Which leads me to my next observation.  Today I got notification of a new follower, to which I reacted with "What??!!"  And which begs the question, "Why would Modern Family want to follow me, when my own family doesn't."

Something has to be up with that!  Tomorrow I will definitely look into the authenticity of that notification. But for tonight, please let me savor my newfound follower.

I might just be on to something.  Hey, you never know.  Why, I may just pass The Biebs!  Hee hee!